Andrew Beckham’s Novum Ceramics is the first commercial producer of terra cotta Amphorae for winemaking and brewing in North America.
Andrew uses a unique forming process, which allows him to create seamless clay vessels that are extremely strong and durable, prime for commercial use in modern wineries and breweries. All closures of these vessels are external, allowing them to be sealed without affecting the structural integrity of the vessel. The “bung hole” of the vessels is a standard size and can be sealed using any normal winemaking or brewing closures.
Amphorae have been used for centuries to make wine and brew beer, with historical evidence dating back over 5000 years to Phoenician societies around the Black Sea. These fermentation and aging vessels have a neutral imprint on the wines, allowing the place and purity of the site to shine through.
For a additional details of the benefits of making wine or brewing in Andrew’s Novum Amphorae, contact Andrew using the inquiry link below.
Because of the extended time that it takes to create these handmade vessels, there is a high-demand, and a waiting-list to order. Please email us if you would like to inquire about purchasing one of these vessels.